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Seminars until 2010
October '10 • Monday, 25th 16:30 Theory Seminar F. Bruemmer (DESY) Markov chains and the MSSM with degenerate Higgs mass matrix • Monday, 18th 16:30 Theory Seminar G. Vertongen (DESY) Matter and dark matter from false vacuum decay and a way to falsify it • Monday, 04th 16:30 Theory Seminar K. Kovarik (Karlsruhe) Neutrino deep inelastic scattering and nuclear PDFs September '10 • Monday, 20th 16:30 Theory Seminar T. Yanagida (IPMU, Tokyo) Composite Dark Matter and SUSY Breaking in a Conformal Gauge Theory July '10 • Wednesday, 07th 14:30 SemR 1 Theory Colloquium D.Stoeckinger (TU-Dresden) The muon magnetic moment and physics beyond the Standard Model • Friday, 09th 14:30 S. Mendizabal Cofre (Hamburg) DISPUTATION: Quantum Mechanics of Leptogenesis • Monday, 12th 16:30 Theory Seminar O. Stål (DESY) Phenomenology of charged Higgs bosons • Wednesday, 21st 14:30 Special Seminar S. Shirai (Tokyo U.) Composite Messenger Dark Matter in Low Scale Gauge Mediation June '10 • Wednesday, 30th 14:30 SFB Colloquium K. Lipka "Physics of gluons and heavy quarks from HERA to the LHC" Ch. Wockel "Infinite-dimensional and higher prequantization" A. Raspereza "Physics with the First Collision Data at LHC" • Monday, 28th 16:30 Theory Seminar A. Polosa (INFN - Roma I) The New Hadrons • Friday, 25th 14:30 SFB Lectures II J. Teschner Recent developments in strongly coupled supersymmetric gauge theories • Wednesday, 23rd 14:30 Theory Colloquium Sven Heinemeyer (IFCA(CSIC-UC), Santander) SUSY Predictions for the LHC and the ILC • Wednesday, 23rd 10:00 in SemR. 1 Collider Pheno Symposium J. Reuter (Univ. Freiburg) Channels & Challenges -- New Physics at the LHC • Friday, 18th 15:30 SFB Lectures I J. Teschner Recent developments in strongly coupled supersymmetric gauge theories • Wednesday, 16th 14:30 Theory Coloquium Hirosi Ooguri (California Inst, of Technology & IPMU, Univ. of Tokyo) Topological String Theory • Monday, 14th, 16:30 Theory Seminar W. Khater (DESY) Phenomenology of the Two--Higgs-Doublet Models at Colliders: LHC and LHeC • Wednesday, 2nd, 14:30 Theory Colloquium G. Muenster (Univ. Muenster) N=1 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory on the lattice • Tuesday, 1st, 15:30 Special Theory Seminar F. Aydogmus (Istanbul Univ.) The Behaviors of Spinor-type Instantons in Phase Space Mai '10 • Monday, 31st, 16:30 Theory Seminar T. Underwood (DESY) SUSY Now or Never! Unification and perturbativity in non-minimal new physics models • Friday, 21st, 09:00 in SemR 4a Collider Pheno Symposium O. Brein (Freiburg): Phenomenology of Higgs Bosons A. Kulesza (RWTH Aachen): Aspects of precision phenomenology at the LHC A. Weiler (CERN): Beyond the SM at the LHC • Wednesday, 19th, 14:30 Thomas-Paul Hack (Hamburg) DISPUTATION: On the Backreaction of Scalar and Spinor Quantum Fields in Curved Spacetimes • Monday, 17th, 16:30 Theory Seminar K. Kozlowski (DESY Hamburg) Full asymptotic series for the correlation functions of integrable models • Wednesday, 12th, 14:30 Jens Koesling (Hamburg) DISPUTATION: On the Fusion in SL(2)- WZNW Models and 6j Symbols of Uqsl(2) X Uq,osp (1|2) • Monday, 10th, 16:30 Theory Seminar P. Arias (DESY Hamburg) Prospects and Opportunities in a new setup for photon regeneration experiments • Monday, 03rd, 16:30 Theory Seminar T. Rogers (Amsterdam) Complications in QCD factorization with transverse momentum dependent PDFs April '10 • Wednesday, 28th, 14:30 SFB Colloquium A. Sen (Allahabad/Paris) Black Holes and String Theory V. Mukhanov ( Munich) Has Cosmic Inflation been proved experimentally? • Tuesday, 27th, 17:00 Special Theory Seminar at the auditorium N. Saito (KEK) A New Generation of Muon g-2/EDM Experiment at J-PARC • Monday, 26th, 16:30 Theory Seminar M. Cicoli (DESY) Reheating in closed string inflation • Wednesday, 21st, 14:30, Building 61 Jan Moeller (Hamburg) DISPUTATION: GUT scale extra dimensions and light moduli in supergravity and cosmology • Monday, 19th, 16:30 Theory Seminar B. Garbrecht (Aachen) Leptogenesis: CPT and CTP • Friday, 16th, 14:30 S.Groot-Nibbelink (Univ. Muenchen) Heterotic MSSM on an orbifold resolution • Thursday, 15th, 16:15 String Theory Seminar M. Yamazaki (Tokyo) BPS wall crossing and crystal melting • Wednesday, 14th, 14:30 Theory Colloquium Rutger H. Boels (Hamburg) Calculating scattering amplitudes: simple results in complicated calculations • Monday, 12th, 16:30 Vladimir Mitev (Hamburg) DISPUTATION: Sigma Models on Supercosets • Wednesday, 7th, 14:30 Kai J. Keller (Hamburg) DISPUTATION: Dimensional Regularization in Position Space and a Forest Formula for Regularized Epstein-Glaser Renormalization February '10 • Wednesday, 24th, 14:30 Special Theory Seminar R. Kitano (Tohoku U.) Non-linear SUSY and Hidden Gravity • Wednesday, 03rd, 14:30 Disputation Ch. Weniger From SuperWIMPs to Decaying Dark Matter:Models, Bounds and Indirect Searches • Monday, 01st, 16:30 Theory Seminar A. Prygarin (Hamburg) Duality symmetry in high energy scattering January '10 • Wednesday, 27th, 14:30 SFB Colloquium J. Plefka (Berlin) Symmetry and Integrability of Scattering Amplitudes in supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory G. Moortgat-Pick (Hamburg) SUSY with CP violation at LHC and beyond • Monday, 25th, 16:30 Theory Seminar D. Maitre (Durham) Towards automated One-Loop Amplitudes • Monday, 18th, 16:30 Theory Seminar G. Kramer (U. Hamburg) Diffractive dijet production at hadron colliders • Wednesday, 13th, 14:30 Theory Colloquium K. Jedamzik (U. Montpellier) Big Bang Nuecleosynthesis and Physics beyond the Standard Model • Monday, 11th, 16:30 Theory Seminar M. Goodsell (DESY) Dirac Gauginos • Wednesday, 06th, 14:30 Theory Colloquium T. Bringmann (Hamburg) Towards the nature of dark matter: an interdisciplinary task |